
Get the threshold value for dark or bright light.


Light intensity is measured from 0 (very dark) to 100 (very bright). A threshold sets what dark and bright mean for your purposes. A threshold is a boundary or a limit. If a light intensity of 20 means that it’s dark, then the sensor threshold for dark is 20. Also, if 75 means bright, then the threshold value for bright is 75.


  • a number that is the amount of light set for the threshold. No light (darkness) is 0 and the brightest light is 100.


Find out what light level is set as the dark threshold when a dark light event happens.

sensors.color3.onLightDetected(LightIntensityMode.Reflected, Light.Dark, function () {
    brick.showValue("DarknessThresholdValue", sensors.color3.threshold(Light.Dark), 1)

See also

set threshold