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Build a robot and drive into the world of robotics!
In this project we will guide you through building a Driving Base Robot and programming it to move straight and turn. You will also build and Object Detector Module, and program it to detect an object. It’s a good idea to have done the Try sequence first.
What if your school had a multipurpose robot? How would you use it?
Would you use it to clean the school or plant trees?
Build Your Driving Base Robot
Build the robot driving base:
Make It Move
Code it: Create a program that makes the Driving Base move forward and stop at the finish line, which is 1
meter away.
Start by building this program:
brick.buttonEnter.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
motors.largeBC.steer(0, 50, 1, MoveUnit.Rotations)
- Drag a
||motors:steer large motors B+C||
block inside an||brick:on button||
block. - Click on the (+) sign.
- Change to
Download: Click Download and follow the instructions to get your code onto your EV3 Brick. Press the center button on the EV3 Brick to run the program.
Make It Turn
Code it: Create a new program that turns the Driving Base 180 degrees.
brick.buttonEnter.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
motors.largeBC.steer(-50, 50, 1, MoveUnit.Rotations)
Download: Click Download and follow the instructions to get your code onto your EV3 Brick. Press the center button on the EV3 Brick to run the program.
Add an Ultrasonic Sensor to Your Driving Base
Build and attach an Ultrasonic Sensor to your driving base:
Detect an Object
Code it: Create a program that moves the Driving Base and makes it stop 6
cm from the Cuboid.
Create a new program:
brick.buttonEnter.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
motors.largeBC.tank(50, 50)
sensors.ultrasonic4.setThreshold(UltrasonicSensorEvent.ObjectDetected, 6)
- Drag a
||motors:tank large motors B+C||
motor block inside the||brick:on button||
block. - Drag the Ultrasonic Sensor threshold
||sensors:set ultrasonic 4||
block and place it below the motor block. - Drag a
|sensors:pause until ultrasonic 4||
block and place it under the threshold block. - Drag a
||motors:stop all motors||
block and place it below the sensor block.
Download: Click Download and follow the instructions to get your code onto your EV3 Brick. Press the center button on the EV3 Brick to run the program.
Click on the JavaScript tab. Change and test the number value of the Ultrasonic Sensor.
sensors.ultrasonic4.setThreshold(UltrasonicSensorEvent.ObjectDetected, 10)
You are ready to move on to the next steps. Try a Design Engineering, Coding, or Maker activity.