send To Screen

Direct the console output to go to the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 screen.


A “console” is a place for a user to see special messages from a device. It could be something connected to a serial port, a display that shows text, or even a text file. A console is typically used as a place to send information that is added to a message log (a record of messages that are sent from a device). Your program can send log messages using the console functions. The MakeCode editor has a console view that lets you see the console output when your program runs in the simulator.

On the EV3 Brick, the screen can serve as a console too and you can make your console output go there. Before using the console log functions, set the screen as the console output location.


Direct the console output to go to the screen. Show 20 values on the screen. Use the up and down buttons to scroll through the values.

for (let index = 0; index <= 20; index++) {
    console.logValue("index", index)

See also

log, log value