MakeCode editor features
The MakeCode editor window has many features to help you create, download, and save your coding projects.
Creating blocks and code
The blocks you use in your project are found in the Toolbox. The Toolbox is a sidebar list of block categories for different code functions and operations. To get a block from the toolbox, you select a block category and a block shelf opens showing you the available blocks. You grab a block from the shelf and pull it onto the block workspace. There’s also a search control to help you find the blocks your interested in.
Blocks Toolbox |
JavaScript editor
The JavaScript editor is a fully functional text editor that’s code aware. This means that it can help complete functions and statements for you by providing hints and text completion. A detailed description of the JavaScript editor features is here:
Editor controls
The Home button takes you to the Home Screen which shows recent projects and other activities.
Home Button |
The Share button displays the Share Project window which lets you publish your project to the public cloud.
Share Button |
Blocks or JavaScript
To switch the your code view from Blocks to JavaScript, or back again, press one of the view buttons at the top and center of the window.
Switch from Blocks to JavaScript |
The Help button shows a menu of help options that take you to support or reference pages.
Help Button |
The More button gives a menu of project settings and options.
More Button |
Undo and Redo
You can undo and redo recent changes you make either in Blocks or JavaScript with the Undo and Redo buttons in the bottom right of the editor window.
Undo Button |
Redo Button |
Zoom In and Zoom Out
There are two zoom buttons in the lower right part of the editor view. The (+) button is to zoom in and the (-) button is to zoom out. The zoom buttons change the size of the blocks when you’re in the Blocks view. When you’re working with the code in the JavaScript view, the zoom buttons change the size of the text.
Zoom In |
Zoom Out |
Save Project
You can choose a name for your project and save it. Type in a name for the project and press the disk icon to save.
Save Project |
The Download button will copy your program to a drive on your computer. You can copy your program directly to your LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 if it’s connected and a drive for it shows up on your computer.
Project name and download filename
When you download the program for your project, the name you gave the project becomes part of the download file. If you decide to rename the download file, the name you chose for the project, not the current filename, is used and displayed by the editor.
Download Button |
All of the files in your project are viewed in the Explorer. Click on the Explorer button to expand the Explorer view to see all of the files in the project. Also, in addition to your project files, the Explorer will show all of files used to code all of the blocks in the editor. When you click and select a file, it will open in the editor for you to see and to edit if you want.
Explorer Button |
Explorer File View |